Saturday, May 25, 2013

My Devotional Thoughts Has Moved!

Are you looking for My Devotional Thoughts?  Please come visit us at our new address:

This blog is quickly becoming inactive.  Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Quality Headphones Are a Must

Everyone these days seems to have an mp3 player. It seems that all of us want to take music with us wherever we go. As a teacher in the school system, I even see students that are so connected to their music that the ear buds never leave their ears. I find that music makes my workouts go better when I listen to music. In fact, when I don't have my mp3 player, my workouts seem to go terribly and last forever. In this age of digital music, it is imperative that you have the finest equipment, and with dj headphones from musicians friend, you know you are getting the best.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pump Up Your Book: "Why I Don't Lose Weight" by Dr. Wilfred Aguila Blog Tour/Guest Post


Why i don't lose weightABOUT WHY I DON’T LOSE WEIGHT

Why I Don’t Lose Weight is a unique perspective to the battle of the bulge. Dr. A gets to the heart of the struggle with weight loss by identifying the root causes that keep you in a cycle of overeating; he then gives practical solutions for overcoming that struggle and losing weight for good. Wonderfully clear and simple steps to permanent better health from a physician who has lived it.
Purchase Link:




Struggling for almost a decade with his own weight problem, Dr. Aguila gained a personal understanding about the process of obesity. He remembers his battle with binge eating and the lessons he learned that allowed him to finally break the cycle of overeating. He shares with his patients these lessons so that they may break their own Cycles.
Dr. A is an author, radio show host, and national obesity expert. He has appeared on numerous morning TV shows and as a regular expert segment on Telemundo. He is also a regular contributor to the Huffington Post as well as other publications. Through his weekly syndicated radio show (The Dr. A Show) and his motivational speaking engagements, Dr. A touches the lives of those suffering with serious weight problems and empowers them with the knowledge that they need to win their struggle.

My Story (Guest Post by the Author)

As a physician, I couldn’t understand why I allowed myself to become overweight. In my training I learned all about nutrition and health, yet I chose to ignore these benchmarks. I felt tired, fatigued, and short of breath all the time. My blood pressure was up and my blood sugars were on the borderline. I also felt embarrassed and vulnerable.

I tried multiple times to lose weight but I couldn’t keep it off. Intuitively I knew that in order to be successful I had to change the very fabric of my life... and that is what I did.

I looked deep inside and found the courage to face the real issues that were making me use food for comfort. I had always been a perfectionist and afraid to fail. Now with lack of time and working very long hours I was always afraid that I would not meet the expectations that I had placed on myself; not the ones that others placed on me which were far more lenient. I always tried to be all things to all people because I wanted people to like me. I realized, however, that I could not live like that and that I had to learn to accept good or good enough. I had to do my best and be satisfied with that.

Learning not to be perfect was no easy task, but I realized that I had to take it in spurts. First thing was to find a way to make more time for my family and for myself so that I could lessen the burden of never having enough time. We need to slow down; making more money is not worth missing the treasure of watching your kids grow up. Relieving the pressure of time allowed me to accept giving things my best effort and not pushing to be my definition of the best. I took a while but I learned that my best was far more than what was really needed and existed only in my mind. I still have my moments, but I can reason with myself now…and I listen!

Controlling my perfectionism also allowed me to understand that I will never be able to please everyone and that, as long as I do my best, I will help many. It felt like a boulder was taken off my shoulders and I am in a better place now to fight off the stresses that invariably come in life…but not with food.

You see what I now realize is that I had to go through being overweight and sick in order to understand why it happens in the first place, even to a doctor. No one is immune to this even if they think they are.

Later, after I had lost the weight I was looking for an explanation as to why I gained so much weight and, more importantly, why I was able to keep it off this time. I realized that it wasn’t about the eating at all; it was about the reasons why I was overeating. Now don’t get me wrong, I worked at it and I changed my diet as well as exercise, but in the past that wasn’t enough to keep it off. This time I found the root causes and I fixed them. It was then that I discovered the Cycle of Obesity. 

I understood the cycle when one day I was in my office and I started writing down the different culprits that I thought made me obese. I searched deep inside myself, almost painfully to find them, but what emerged was something that made intuitive sense. The anxiety, the depression, and the guilt all came together in a cycle that was treated with food. The cycle is easy to follow and anyone can identify with it at first glance if they are struggling with their weight.

It wasn’t until a year later that I was able to really identify the root causes that put us in the cycle in the first place. What helped me with this was taking care of so many patients with the same problem that I had and empathizing with them every step of the way. More time passed until I gathered enough insight to find solutions to all the root causes and put it all together with the cycle to help others with it.

Discovering this cycle also led me to discover my newest cycle, which is the cycle of success. This cycle is a roadmap to achieving success in setting goals.  What I found is that these two cycles are intimately connected and explain why sometimes we get complaisant and ultimately fail to keep our goals.

I have used both of these ideas with many of my patients with great success. Despite diets and/or surgery, if you don’t eliminate the root causes, the weight will come back. I know that the weight can be conquered...I am living proof.



Pump Up Your Book and Dr. Wilfred Aguila are teaming up to give you a chance to win a new Kindle Fire HD!

Kindle Fire HD
Enter to win this here. You will also be able to follow the entire schedule from that vantage point.

Goddess Fish: "Blood Bound" by Melanie Atkins Super Book Blast

Blood Bound
by Melanie Atkins



Fueled by grief after his fiancée is brutally murdered, Detective Sam Walker focuses on finding her killer -- a calculating predator who binds books with human skin.  Dani Barrington, the newest member of NOPD's Victim and Witness Assistance Unit and a survivor of another frightening attack, helps him discover the terrifying link between the monster's known victims.  Despite his anguish, Sam is struck by Dani's strength and determination, especially when her inquisitive  nature makes her the killer's next target.  He must find a way to protect her or risk losing the one woman who can bring his dead heart back to life.



. Kristen was gone.

She wasn't at work. She wasn't at home. She hadn't gone out to run an errand. She had simply... vanished.

New Orleans Detective Sam Walker stood in the center of his fiancée's cluttered bedroom and struggled to piece together the timeline of her disappearance. Last night they were supposed to meet for dinner, but he'd caught a case. They'd talked on the phone around eleven, and he'd asked her to meet him for lunch today.

He hadn't spoken to her since.

She was supposed to arrive at the Victim and Witness Assistance Unit for work at nine a.m., but never made it. One of her co-workers had called him about ten o'clock. He'd tried Kristen again, but she hadn't answered.

So he'd come here and found her car in the driveway.

Yet she sure as hell wasn't here.

Her bed was meticulously made, the way she left it every morning, dumping him out if he'd stayed over. A damp towel lay beside the bathroom sink. Soulful jazz drifted from the iPod dock on her nightstand. What terrified him most, though, was the spot of blood marring the door frame and the lone pink sandal lying in the living room floor beside her purse, keys, and cell phone.

His heart lurched. He couldn't breathe, couldn't think. Simply could not absorb that she was missing. They'd been engaged for five months and three days, with only a month to go until the wedding. They should be mulling over the guest list, squabbling about where to go for their honeymoon, and deciding where they wanted to live.

Instead, Sam stared at an empty bed.

"There's no sign of forced entry, so she either let the guy in or he jumped her when she went after the paper this morning." Major Sabbatini's voice seemed to come from far away. "I'm thinking she fought him off and ran, and he caught her here in the bedroom."

"She would have clawed him." Hell, she would've drawn blood with those nails. Sam should know. He had the marks on his back to prove it. Moisture blurred his vision as he eyed the smudge on the door jamb. "She... she just had her nails done a couple of days ago. They're like talons."

"We'll check the blood for DNA. You know that. What were her plans for today?"

"Um... just work, far as I know. She and I were supposed to have lunch." Sam shook his head. "Then tonight, she was going to a wedding shower. I just--"

"When was the last time you spoke with her?"

"Late -- last night." Sam's eyes fell on a partially-filled mug on the table beside Kristen's favorite chair, where she liked to read. A hard knot formed in the center of his chest. "She didn't... even finish her coffee. She loves coffee."

"We're gonna find her, son."

"You don't know that." Sam's voice cracked. He turned to his boss. "What if I never see her again?"


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Melanie Atkins a multi-published author of romantic suspense, an editor for an online publishing company, and an avid reader. Writing is more than an escape for her—it’s a way of life. She grew up in the Deep South listening to tall tales and penning stories about her cats. Now she writes gripping stories of love, suspense, and mystery with the help of her furry little feline muses.

Melanie is an active member of Romance Writers of America®, the Magnolia State Romance Writers (MSRW), the Published Author Network (PAN), the Electronic and Small Press Authors' Network (ESPAN), the Electronically Published Internet Connection (EPIC), Sisters in Crime (SinC), the Red Dog Writers, the Gulf Coast Writers Association, the Southern Writers, the Mississippi Authors Guild and the Byram Writers’ Group. She currently serves as Past President of MSRW.

Melanie will be awarding the winner's choice of a backlist eBook to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.  Follow the entire tour for more chances to win!

Pump Up Your Book: Milly Taiden's "Wolf Protector" Book Blast (ends 5/17) U.S./Canada

Wolf Protector banner Pump Up Your Book and Milly Taiden will be giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card during Milly's Wolf Protector Book Blast today! This promotion starts April 15 and ends on May 17. To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter form below and good luck!


A woman with a secret… The Federal Paranormal Unit is an elite squad of supernaturals dedicated to solving missing persons cases. Erica’s gift allows her a special connection with the crime, but it comes at a deep personal cost… Until now, she’s kept her gift a secret, even from the other members of the team. But this case will throw her together with Agent Trent Buchanan. He’s the object of her secret desires, but he’s also a cocky womanizer. She’d rather swim in shark-infested waters with a paper cut than admit she has feelings for him. A man with one desire… Wolf Shifter Trent wants Erica more than he’s ever wanted any woman. He’s spent years patiently waiting for her to admit that she wants him too. Working one-on-one in a race to find a serial killer, Trent’s patience and Erica’s resolve wear thin. When Trent discovers the truth about Erica, will he accept her for who she is? And can he protect her from the horrors that her gift brings? A case that pushes them to the edge… Erica will have to risk it all if she wants to stop the killer, and when she does, Trent may have to put his own life on the line to make sure his mate is protected…




Want to know about this author? Milly Taiden (aka April Angel) was born in the prettiest part of the Caribbean known as the Dominican Republic. She grew up between New York, Florida and Massachusetts. Currently, she resides in New York City with her husband, bossy young son and their little dog Speedy. She’s addicted to shopping for shoes, chocolate (but who isn’t?) and Dunkin Donuts coffee. She loves hearing from readers so feel free to connect with her. Her latest book is the paranormal romantic suspense, Wolf Protector. Visit her website at

Pump Up Your Book and Millie Taiden are teaming up to give you a chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Want to see all the blogs participating?  Click here.

Pump Up Your Book: "Bella Saves the Beach" by Nancy Stewart Book Tour

About the book:

Bella and Britt are worried about all the trash appearing on their beautiful beach.  But what can they do?  Britt is leaving on vacation, and Bella can’t solve the problem alone.  Without  adults to lend a hand, can they possibly save their beach?


Bella, Britt and all their friends built sand castles and filled moats with salty sea. But this summer, the girls were worried.

“Look at all this trash, Britt,” said Bella.
She nodded. “Yeah, and I leave on vacation tomorrow. I can’t help pick it up!”
Next morning, Bella walked along the beach alone. “Hello.” Bella said to the old crooked beak pelican, perched on his piling. “Somebody has to help, and I guess it’s me.”
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Nancy Stewart Bio:

Nancy is the bestselling and award winning author of the four Bella and Britt Series books for children:  One Pelican at a Time (eighteen weeks on Amazon Bestselling List), Sea Turtle Summer, (which won the Children’s Literary Classic Gold Award), Bella Saves the  Beach (which won the Gold)  and Mystery at Manatee Key.  The authorized biography, Katrina and Winter:  Partners in Courage, is the story of Katrina Simpkins and Winter, the dolphin. One Pelican at a Time and Nancy were featured in the PBS Tampa special, GulfWatch.   All are published by Guardian Angel Publishing. 

Nancy is a frequent speaker and presenter at writer’s conferences throughout the United States.  She conducts workshops and seminars and speaks to school children on writing and helping save their planet.  A blogger with a worldwide audience, she writes of all things pertaining to children’s literature.

Nancy’s travels take her extensively throughout the world, most particularly Africa. She is US chair of a charity in Lamu, Kenya, that places girls in intermediate schools to allow them to further their education.   She and her husband live in Tampa and St. Louis.

I know I have no excuse for a review not being posted, but it will be.  My dad's birthday was tonight, and I honestly could not get to it.  Tomorrow afternoon/evening for sure!

PSCPets Joint Support for Dogs Review

We have a fairly young, active dog, and I am so pleased that I was asked to review this product from PSCP pets.  They asked for my honest opinion, and that is what I will provide in this post.

PSPC Pets provides very tasty and functional supplements for dogs, and today I wish to tell you about their joint supplement for dogs.  This unique product contains some wonderful ingredients to keep your best friend's joints in top condition.  If you take a look at the ingredients, you will find glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, manganese, and Vitamins E.  You probably know how these benefit us as humans, but they work well for dog's bones and joints, too.

The two most important ingredients are:

  • Glucosamine--protects joints from arthritis damage and provides a cushion for the joints
  • Chondroitin--helps increase the effectiveness of glucosamine
  • Manganese--notable for its detoxification properties
  • Vitamin E--antioxidant and immune system aid
This is the first of several products I will be reviewing from this company, but these were the original ones.  The "treats" were little discs, and when I opened the container, the smell was not to my liking, but my dog loved it!  Piper (that's her name) got herself into a routine that caused her to remind me to give these to her every day.  She could even walk over to the drawer where I hid them, and she knew when I said  "special treats" that it was time to get these.

I will be honest.  Since Piper is young, I didn't notice much difference, but these kinds of supplements often work better when used over the course of months and years.  If we had an older dog, I think I would have seen more improvement and results.  What I do know is that Piper loved these treats, and she would happily eat them every day, if she could (and I just may go and purchase another bottle).  Sometimes pet supplements are very unappealing to the animals, and it is nice to see that Piper loved these!

I invite you to check out more about this company:  You might want to sign up for their newsletter at the bottom of the page, and/or follow them on facebook for all  the latest scoop!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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