Friday, December 18, 2009

Charles Spurgeon Reflection

Proverbs 27:23
Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds.

Charles Spurgeon really had some good things to say about this. He exhorts us to examine ourselves on a regular basis to discover if things are right between God and me. There has been a fantastic change in our relationship, and I really have noticed it the past week or two.

It used to be in relation to MJ that I so longed for us to be together that I was willing to do anything to get us together short of you can guess. I let the physical happen in hopes that things would change.

I was afraid of the physical, and it did come back, but it has now been since Thanksgiving that has happened. It was hard the first week or so, but I now have said, "I don't want anything between us until it can be permanent."

The physical relationship is fleeting. There is nothing lasting in that. I knew that things were different when Satan tempted me tonight, and I said, "No, it is not the way. It is not the way to have a lasting relationship. It was tough for a few minutes tonight, but I knew God was there.

I do long to be in right relationship with God. This is part of that relationship. I am grateful to God for all the work I have been able to do since September. I am so glad, though, that I get 3 weeks off!


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