Friday, January 8, 2010

My utmost devotional

Okay, this one is from December, but it was what I needed to hear. God has revealed much truth to me lately. I have begun to lean on Him as never before. And so now He asks me to take the step of faith that I need to. I must decide to walk in light of that vision. Do I believe God will bring it about? Then why do I say, "I realize it may not happen."? Is that what the blind man and lame man said? Is that what the father said about his son? He said, "Lord, I believe. Help thou my unbelief." May that be my heart's cry. Why say, "He may never be saved," or "We may never be married." Saying that sets my mind to doubt. I know I want to be saved from heart, but instead I need to quietly believe or I will not be ready when the time does come.


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