Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sporadic Saturday--More Randomness!

Well, I'm at a loss today, so I think I'll just share some random links that have proved helpful to me.  I always like it when blogs do that, so here I go.

This is a site I saved long ago, and I forgot about it.   It looks really great.  Have you ever wondered how to do something?  Well you just might find it here.  It has all sorts of how-to videos.  It has a lot of Halloween ideas--some that I will say look gruesome, but there are some other great tips, too.  I don't know about you, but when I can watch a video of how to do something,  I usually do it better.  Oh, this is great!  I just did a search for html (something I know very little about!), and there are 1096 tutorials!  I need to check this site out more often.

I have used this one before.  Have you ever wondered what was going on locally?  Check out Goby!  Put in your location and what you want to do and when, and it will bring up what is going on in your area.  What I like is that it shows you things you would not normally think about like playgrounds and libraries.  Be sure to check it out!

This is a site I didn't really get into, but then I found it after I had lost most of my weight.  If you are going to lose weight, it is to your benefit to check out sites where you can track what you eat and your workouts.  I like the way this site is set up, and it is free.  I really like the exercises and workout plan.  What I say about losing weight is that everyone has to find what works for them.  If not this site,  be  sure to check out the loads of free sites out there that will help you lose weight.  It really does help.  I am living proof.

I have not really used this site--I forgot about it.  I'm famous for saving sites and forgetting about them.  Are you a single parent like I am?  This has all sorts of articles that might give you some good suggestions and advice.  This is an article I should have read when my daughter started asking about her father.  It looks like you might be able to send in questions, too.  So check it out.  I think I may just have to look at it a little more.  No, it  is not a Christian site, but sometimes there is good advice even on worldly sites.

Now, I really don't remember where I got this site.  It looks like an intriguing search engine. I just may have to play with it.  Okay, I like the say this works!  I think I'll use it the  next time I do a search.  I just signed up for an account with them.  I can't say I know a lot about it, but the searches really seem to make sense.  The results are organized well.  I love google, but sometimes I just can't find what I am looking for.  I'm going to try this site for a while, and I'll get back to you on how well it worked.

Okay, I hope you have found something valuable.  Don't forget to check out my giveaway page at the top left.   I hope to get some more giveaways as time goes on.  

By the way, I realize I never reviewed the "Legends of the Guardians."  Watch for it some time this week.  I'm sure you have already seen it, and if you haven't, it's probably because you don't have kids  or don't like that sort of film (or you waiting for it to come out on DVD--I don't blame you!).


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