Monday, November 29, 2010

Music Monday--I'm Back on Track!

I am trying to get things back to normal after being rather off the past few weeks when it comes to my blogging.  God is certainly at work within me, and it is exciting to see His activity within my life.

As I was beginning to listen to my holiday music, I heard a song that truly stopped me in my tracks.  It came from this CD:
 I remember when this first came out.  Since I am a huge Michael Crawford fan, this was a must-buy.  I love his stuff and several of the other sings I knew of.  And you can't go wrong with the Omartians.  I never got to see this when it toured that year, but the CD is full of fantastic imagery.

There is a song on the album that is sung by the character Elizabeth (played by Donna Summer).  The message of the song really hits home because it talks about the dream never dying.  When God gives us a dream that is truly from Him, it never does die!  We may have to wait a long time, but godly dreams cannot be extinguished!

So here's the song:


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