Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Well-Spoken Wednesday--The Evolution of a Blog

Well, I thought I would feature another blog tonight.  I haven't done  it in a  while.  I reviewed  a book last night that would have worked for tonight, but instead, I thought I would feature a blog that has really grown a lot since I first started reading it.


Brandy of Giveaway Blogdom says: Hi everybody! I have started this blog to share giveaways, reviews, and features of products. 

And indeed she did.  I don't  remember how I found her, but  I remember that her blog  posts were basically promoting giveaways on other blogs.  Which seems like a  really good way to start because many blogs do that.  She promoted so many giveaways, and sometimes I found new blogs as a result.  It was nice that she was so supportive of so many other blogs.  And indeed she still is.

I don't remember when, but a while back I saw and entered a giveaway of hers.  I don't remember if it was her first, but it was at least the first one I saw of hers.  And before long, she had giveaways galore.  She currently has 8 giveaways on her blog.  Check them out!

I have won several times on her  blog--which is always nice.  I remember that one time her e-mail got lost to me, and  I missed  out on winning the giveaway.  Actually, it was my only giveaway to have ever lost out on! I almost considered just not saying anything, but I decided to write her a nice e-mail and let her know  what happened.  I wasn't upset or anything--after all, I win my fair share of giveaways.  I also told her that I had noticed  how  much her blog had grown.  And I was right.  It had.  She seemed to have  found her unique style, and her blog had  truly become a reflection of her.

I was really impressed when I received a nice e-mail back from her in which I could tell she was very sorry this had happened. But she was glad I had won some  of her giveaways since then.  She certainly went up in my estimation.

I recently won one of her giveaways, and when I responded back, she gave me the nicest compliment.  She said that she enjoys sending winning notifications to me because I seem to truly be glad that I won.  And indeed I always am!  

So, if you get a chance, check Brandy out on her blog!  You'll be glad you did.

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