Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday--Stuff Your Stocking Giveaway is coming!

Well, I happened to stop at our local drugstore on the way home today.  I wanted to put some special items together for some giveaways for my followers.  I found some great things, and the long-awaited giveaways are coming.  Hopefully, this weekend will be the time I will do it.  I have dubbed these giveaways: Stuff Your Stockings.  More information will be coming this weekend.

In addition to this, I will be reviewing a cookbook tomorrow.  I've listed it below.
We bought this last night at my daughter's book fair.  Trust me, I will be busy this weekend doing some future cooking!  I'll tell you more on Fortified Friday tomorrow.

And also this weekend, I will be reviewing an item I found at our pharmacy that we struggle to find locally.  I don't know why.

 We are always able to find the medium ones, but we often can't find the large ones.  They are life savers, and I think a review is in order.

So , that rounds out my post for tonight.  I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday.


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