Monday, February 14, 2011

Music Monday--Challenge Week #7

Today, we are going with probably the greatest Tejano musician that ever lived--Selena!  I first became interested in Selena a few years ago.  I began to do a musician of the week power point in my music classes, and I followed the musician birthday calendar.  It just so happened that Selena's birthday was in January.  I had heard of her, but I knew nothing about her.  I hadn't even seen Jennifer Lopez's film about her.  I began to research her life and music, I was quite intrigued.  Not only was her music quite entertaining, but the story of her short life and murder were certain to capture my student's interest.  And I had a lot of Hispanic students in my class anyway.

It was about that time that I bought this CD.  It featured some songs of hers that I knew and enjoyed, and there were many I did not.  It had been a while since I had listened to this CD, and it was fun to listen to!

The CD begins with the upbeat Como la Flor.  Most of these songs are in Spanish, but it is interesting to note that her first language was English, not Spanish.  In fact, she only perfected her Spanish once her music career was really going.  You can see a funny clip about this in the Selena film.  La Carcacha is also a fun song.  Until you get to track #9, nothing stands out for me very much.  The songs are fun good, but I am not as familiar with them as a true Selena fan would be.

Track #9 is one of my favorites--Bidi Bidi Bom Bom.  I am reminded of what one of my students said once.  "What does Bidi Bidi Bom Bom mean in Spanish?"  My Spanish-speaking students and I always found this humorous.  It is clear that they are just nonsense words!  This is one of my favorite videos of Selena.

Nothing special for me until you get to track #13 I Could Fall in Love.  I have to say that in many ways, I prefer her English songs.  Yes, I know, I don't speak good Spanish, but I feel that she enjoys the English songs better.  Sometimes her voice becomes rather harsh on the Spanish songs--probably a stylistic thing, but I do notice it.  Especially in her later songs.   I love Dreaming of You also.  What a shame that these songs didn't make it to the market before her tragic death.

The final song on this CD is probably my favorite Selena song, however.  Bailla Esta Cumbia.  I have loved this song from the moment I heard it.  After her death, her brother's group, the Kumbia Kings, did a remake of this song as a tribute to her memory.  I'm going to end this post with this song.  Enjoy!


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