Sunday, February 13, 2011

Solution Sunday--Weekly Update on My Challenges

In spite of my issues this week, I am linking up my challenges because I accomplished a lot this week!

While I am behind in this challenge, I am posting for weeks 3 and 4.  I read week 3 on time, but I forgot to post.  And I just finished week 4 today.  So here goes.

Week 3 was about taking care of ourselves physically, and I can relate to that this week.  When I was attacked by a dog, I thought of everyone but myself.  I didn't bother to consider my pain.  Even yesterday, I found myself almost overdoing it.  I have tried to do better, but it is hard.  I even  apologized in the emergency room for complaining when I was cold or it was painful.  It is true that I often have to be told in no uncertain ters that I must take care of myself.  One time when I was very young, I made it a point to not go to the doctor since I didn't have insurance.  I learned from that, but I still have a tendency not to put my health first.  At least I got myself on a diet regimen and lost 50 pounds.  In fact, my concern with the dog bite is that I will put weight back on, but I refuse to let that happen!

Week 4 was about taking time for your spiritual life.  I absolutely love that she says it is better to spend 5 or even 3 minutes with God than none at all.  I used to be absolutely fantastic at spending time in Bible study.  Then Martha came along.  Since that time, I will admit that I have struggled.  I appreciate that she says essentially that it is quality, not quantity.  And my favorite line?  If you have time to go the bathroom, you certainly have time to spend with the Lord!

I'll try to get more caught up next week on this challenge!

Okay, I also have no pictures this week.  I often forget to do it.  But I accomplished my goal for this week.  I  purged clothes.  Mainly, it was my daughter's clothes, and she helped me.  I am so glad that I didn't have too much to do because my dog bite did slow me down.  Up next is to purge my magazines.  The magazines in my basket in my room, that is.  I have an overflowing basket, and it is high time that I go through them.  I will try to remember to take a picture. 

I think my mind set has changed too.  I have discovered that I now try to keep up with the areas I have already organized.  Where I purged magazines a couple weeks ago it beginning to fill again, and I will not let that happen.  I find that I have a goal each week, and I somehow want to do it.  I am holding myself accountable.  I may not get everything done the way I want it, but I am pretty excited to get the task done each week.  It feels so good!  I looked at my bookshelf just today, and it was with great pride that I looked at it!  I don't want to mess it up again.


I have finished two books for this challenge,  but I have to wait till the end of the month to post them.  I'll link the reviews here.


Nothing new here.


I am currently reading the following book for this challenge.


One of the books I read for the Historical Fiction Challenge works for this one, too.


Nothing new here.  Maybe by next month.

I will be updating this in a moment with links to the two books from this week.


Nothing new this week.


Well, that should do it for this week.  Till next week on the challenges.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I've just read your feature over at MommyMonologues and wanted to come and say hi. Wow you are doing alot of challanges this year. Crikey. I have set myself 11 things to do in 2011 altsome of them are coming along faster than others. Its great to meet you. Take care xx


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