Monday, February 21, 2011

Music Monday--Challenge Week #8

Well, it has been a busy music week.  I actually listened to about 3 or 4 CD's, but I am going to listen to some again because I do not feel I would do them justice.  So I will review 2 albums this week.

This is the first album I am reviewing, and I got it from the library.  I will not be purchasing this album.  I am what I call a "closet" Brad Paisley fan.  Martin can't stand him, but I have heard a few good songs by him.  And this album has just that--a few good songs.  The rest of the songs are really far beneath him.

American Saturday Night is not a bad song, but I just don't feel that there is a lot of substance to it.  While I don't hate it like I once did, it is a somewhat clever song but just not all that great.

Everybody's Here is okay, and Welcome to the Future has some cool parts to it, but then comes the first Brad Paisley song I ever liked.  I had always found that Paisley's songs were kind of dumb.  I was first intrigued by him when I saw him on the CMA Awards ( I think, I sometimes get confused) as a co-host with Carie Underwood.  Taylor Swift won entertainer of the year that year, and Brad Paisley was so nice to her about it.  He congratulated her, but Carrie Underwood made some remark about how well everyone had done and did not even acknowledge Taylor Swift.  From that point, I began to look at Brad Paisley a little differently.  My favorite Brad Paisley song is Then.  This is one of the sweetest love songs out there, as far as I'm  concerned.

Next is his song Water.  It was not until I saw the video that I liked this song, but I think it is more a theme song for his summer tour of last year.  And I have to say that he really did a lot to help the floods in Nashville.   It is unbelievable that his tour still went off in spite of everything that happened.

Nothing exciting from She's Her Own Woman nor Welcome to the Future (Reprise).  I think the only neat thing about the latter is that he tells the story of how he met and married the love of his life through music.  It is worthwhile looking up the story of how he met his wife.

Anything Like Me is probably a neater song for Paisley himself rather than me.  I don't care for You Do the Math nor Catch All the Fish, but the song in the middle caught my attention--No.  I remember hearing Paisley sing In the Garden.  Now I don't know where he is as far as God goes, but when he sings a spiritually-inspired song, I think he is quite exceptional.  This song is one of those.  I highly recommend it and wish he would do more of those!

Nothing spectacular in the last four songs on the album.  I really don't like The Pants.  I'm sure Paisley does!  Now if you're a Paisley fan, this is an album worth having, for sure.  I think it has 5 singles of his.  But otherwise, it is not an exceptional album.

The second album to review this week is this one.  I have been an ABBA fan for quite some time--thanks to Martin.  I think this was their final or one of their final albums.  It has some great hits and some songs that are not that well-known.

It begins with a big hit Super Trouper.  Oh, I love the beat of this song!  Very likable and catchy.  It is indeed a great opening song to their album.

Next is probably their most heart-rending song ever--The Winner Takes It All.  I think this song is quite poignant in light of the fact that I believe the two marriages within the group were in the process of breaking up or they already were broken up.   It is the perfect break-up song.

Next is a fun little song called On And On And On.  I think it is one of those songs you don't really have to think about.  Just listen to, dance, and sing along if you like.

Then we come to a song that did not make it as a hit,  but it a beautiful love-making song--Andante, Andante.  As you listen to the song, you can imagine the two lovers involved being lost in one another and going very slowly so they miss nothing.  The music, as usual, fits the words to a tee.

Then there is a little song called Me And I.  I think we can all relate to this song.  How many of us act in ways and say things that just don't seem like us?  We step out of character, and this puts that idea into song.

One of the few songs that talk about New Year--Happy New Year.  It should be a happy song, but listen to the words, and you notice that it may not be.  After all, these four individuals were entering the new decade without each other personally and professionally.  ABBA was coming to an end.

Our Last Summer is a nice song, and it was a hit for them.  However, I like The Piper.  Martin never remembered hearing the song before yesterday, and he is a big ABBA fan.  I like the little "piper" part in the song.  Cute, little ditty.

Lay All Your Love On Me was a big hit for them, and The Way Old Friends Do was also a pretty big hit for them.  They are both solid, nice songs.

Then we come to the bonus tracks.  Neither one are big deals, but they are typical ABBA songs--Elaine and Put On Your White Sombrero.


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