Saturday, December 25, 2010

Operation Deepen Faith Challenge

Here a new challenge for the year!  Becky @ Operation Actually Read the Bible has this challenge going for all of 2011.  I am not sure what book I will study.  I will probably go to the Old Testament.  I plan to tackle both parts of the challenge.  You know, I think I will go with the Book of Proverbs first.  I plan to do at least Level 1--read it in 3 translations.  Maybe I'll read it in 6 different translations for Level 2.  We'll see.

As for the second part of the challenge, I commit to read 2-4 theological books.  Here are the books I plan to read:

Christians are Hate-Filled Hypocrites and other lies you have been told by Bradley White

Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy

Neither one of these is the traditional theological book--I realize that.  But I believe the first book can really challenge me since it comes from secular media as well as Christian.  And I love Tony Dungy.  I love his Christian stance, and I he is the only football coach that I respect as much as I do.

So there is my challenge.  If you want to join up, don't forget to click on the picture--it will take you to her blog to sign up!


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