Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Well-Spoken Wednesday--An Initial Post of All My Challenges for 2011

Well, I plan to complete this on New Year's Day, but  I have decided  to take on so many challenges this year that it has certainly become time to prepare for all  these challenges.  Most of my challenges are reading challenges, but not all of them.  So here goes.

My Music Challenge 2011

I am starting out with the one I am doing on  my blog. Please refer to the post for all the specifics.  I am already doing this--I am in the process of listening to and mentally reviewing 2 CD's. Sign up, and you can  win a prize. 

Here's a different kind of challenge.  I actually thought it might be a weight loss challenge.  Nope, it is a clothing challenge.  Be sure to check it out.  It only lasts for the month of January, and it is a fantastic concept!

Read my post about this book challenge.  I'm so glad I don't have to put any books on a reading list.  I will just keep this challenge  in mind.  This is my favorite genre anyway.  

Read my post on this challenge.  I am already starting this.  I have not begun reading Proverbs, but I have ordered the following book from my library:
I plan to make  this one of my theological reads.  Maybe a bit of a stretch, but the man is a Christian after all!

Read my post for this challenge.  I am very grateful at this point that I do not have to list any books.  But I will certainly keep it all in mind as I read this coming year.

Mystery and Suspense Reading Challenge 2011 @
Book Chick City

Read my post about this challenge.  I love a good mystery, and I long to really get going on this one.  Possibly my current read, The Woman in White, will make it on here because I will probably not be done before the year is out.  I think it would be considered mystery.  It certainly has a mystery in it!!

And my final challenge for 2011--

I have not officially signed up for this challenge, so I will now.  I will be creating a google map.  And here it is:
View Where Are You Reading 2011 Challenge in a larger map

I may not  read through all 50 states, but this is fun just the same!  So I am official now!

So there we go.  I guess I'll be pretty busy.  We'll see how well I do!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to have you joining in on the challenge. I put up my first peg on the map today - Georgia! Have fun!


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