Saturday, January 8, 2011

Queen of the Castle Week 1

Okay, I realize I am a little late.  My book just arrived today, and I read chapter 1.  So I am up to date.  If you are wondering about what I am doing, I am involved in a read-along of Queen of the Castle: 52 Weeks of Encouragement for the Uninspired, Domestically Challenged or Just Plain Tired Homemaker over at Colletta's Kitchen.  

I think the thing that stood out to me in the book this week was that the author is not trying to be super-woman in her homemaking endeavors.  And I liked that she said that every woman is a homemaker.

I am in an unusual position.  I am living with my parents. I am a single mother.  My household duties are very light since I am a substitute teacher with an ever-changing schedule.  I pitch in as I can.  My mom probably spends more time with my daughter, but I do my best to make up it for it when I can.

What I hope is that in this book the author speaks to women who are not traditional homemakers.  I realize the author is a stay-at-home mother.  But I don't want to read a book that puts me on a guilt-trip for not being a stay-at-home mom.  Even when I was not at home, I still  couldn't be one--I was a single mom.  I had to go out an work.  I had no choice but to get a divorce in my position.

I do look forward to continuing this read.  I also look forward to reading thoughts by other women reading it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your comment at my place, and joining me.
    What you say about being unusual or different is relevant in the case of this study I think, because there is no place for guilt-trips. As a primary school teacher (occasional, at present) I know parents do the best with what they have, and sounds like you are too. Hats off to those in less than ideal situations who are bringing up God-fearing children, sez I!!


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