Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sporadic Saturday--Really Quick Tonight

It seems like I write that all too often.  Always loads of drama going on here!  I want to say that I am so thankful that Martin is here.  My mom had a twig hit her eye right before lunch, and it hurt a lot.  She tried  eye drops and milk, but it was only temporary.  it got so bad in the afternoon, but she wouldn't listen to me (nor my dad, but why would she listen to him?), but Martin convinced her to go to the ER, and he drove her there.  I wish I could have seen the  picture the doctor took of her eye.  He told her that her entire eyeball and underneath has been scraped.  She didn't even have to wait too long to see someone.  I am grateful he was here.

Tomorrow is the last day to enter my CSN stores giveaway!  Don't forget.

I will definitely catch up on all my challenges tomorrow.


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