Friday, January 7, 2011

52 Weeks of Organizing Challenge

Well, I have to admit that I am doing one more challenge.  I was cleaning out my inbox, and I found this great challenge over at Org Junkie.  She is a great blogger, and I always enjoy her posts about organizing things and menu planning, but she has challenged us to organize something every week this year.  She even has a printable list (see her blog post), and I printed it out tonight.  I decided this morning that I am definitely in!

I do not have pictures as of yet, but I plan to try to do more of this this year!  It is always neat to see the before and after pictures, after all.

So do I have my list done?  Only the first 5 weeks.

Week 1:  Christmas Put Away--almost done, will be done tomorrow.
Week 2:  Magazine Purge in the living room--I have magazines in various places, but this is one place that I can quickly and easily take care of.
Week 3:  Straighten bookshelf--I have received so many new books (and I'll have more by then).  It needs some work.
Week 4:  Straighten VHS/DVD.  Again, we have so many new ones.  I need to go through them and get them organized.
Week 5:  Purge clothing.  This will be just in time for my other love it or lose it challenge!

Not bad for an organizationally challenged woman, eh?  So join in, if you like!


  1. I'm in on the 52 week challenge too - just stopping by to visit and follow, can't wait to see what we all accomplish over the 52 weeks!

  2. What a fun challenge! :) Might have to look into this one. :)

  3. Found it myself and I am so glad! Good luck to you and all of us!

  4. I just finished putting away my Christmas stuff yesterday. I think this is a fabulous challenge...oh, but a lot of work. I will tackle the magazines next. I will recycle them though!


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