Saturday, January 1, 2011

Forgot to Link Up a Challenge--Jane Austen 2011 Challenge

When I made my list of challenges for the new year, here is one I forgot.  Amy over at A Faithful Journey has a book challenge this year--Jane Austen book challenge.  I have always been a fan of Jane Austen's books.  I believe I have only read Pride and Prejudice and Emma.  I certainly have more to read of hers.  And the cool thing is that I can also read Jane Austen-inspired books.  I don't have an actual set goal of how many books I will read or which ones I will read, but this sounds like a great challenge.  And not only that, but there will be prizes involved.  So this challenge is now a part of new year.  I also plan to get one more challenge going involving magazines.  I will post about this later on today.  Sorry I didn't post last night.  Things were filled with drama yesterday in our home, and things are still pretty tough this morning.  But we are all fine.

Here are the books I would like to read by Jane Austen:

Mansfield Park
Northanger Abbey

Inspired by Jane Austen books to read:

A Darcy Christmas
Writing Jane Austen
Jane's Fame

I am sure there will be more, but this is my initial challenge.


  1. That sounds good! I'm doing the challenge too. I've read almost all of Austen's completed works...hopefully I can finish this year!

    Northanger Abbey is one of my absolute favorites of Jane Austen's!

  2. So happy you are joining in with us! Great list of books! The inspired by novels sound just as good and I am looking forward to reading them as well!

    Happy Reading!

  3. Sounds great! I'm the same way...I can't decide which ones to read!


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