Sunday, June 17, 2012

Unjunk Your Junk Food Book Review

Unjunk Your Junk Food: Healthy Alternatives to Conventional SnacksUnjunk Your Junk Food: Healthy Alternatives to Conventional Snacks by Andrea Donsky
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I admit that as I went into the reading of this book, I figured it would be a nice read, but it wouldn't change my thoughts about eating.  I like organic and natural foods, but I figured that what I normally eat couldn't be that bad.  After all, I am a pretty health-conscious person, and I lost a lot of weight several years ago and kept it off.

Was I ever wrong!  As I read this book, I was blown away by how much I did not know about healthy eating!  I had no idea that so much bad stuff was hidden in foods that I eat on a regular basis.  I enjoy eating snack and dessert foods, but it was amazing to discover how misguided my eating choices were.

While I do not buy into everything in the book (I have no problem with some artificial sugars such as sucralose), I am keeping this book as a good guide.  I have found that I have been checking the ingredient lists of everything I consume (even our vitamins), and I have been surprised to discover that things I figured would not be healthy were, and things that I thought were healthy weren't.  I plan to try a lot of the items discussed in the book.

I love the fact that there is a glossary of ingredients in the back, and there are reference websites for the snacks discussed in the book.  I was most amazed by the fact that food manufacturers insist on using trans fat, but because there is less than a half gram per serving, it is hidden!  You have to read the ingredients in order to discover that it is included.

I look forward to reading more from "Naturally Savvy" in the future.  I can only hope that one day they will publish a cookbook.  I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  I was not financially compensated, and all opinions are 100 percent mine.

View all my reviews

Buy the book here.

Check out the Naturally Savvy website here.
Follow them on facebook, twitter, youtube, and pinterest.


  1. wow I eat so much junk food I think I need this book

  2. My family is gearing up to make the change to healthy eating again. Pray! It's so hard to make the changes when you're used to sugars and fats, but then you feel so much better when you do.


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