Monday, June 25, 2012

Mom's Monday Mingle #9

I thought I would give this a try this week.  I was invited, and maybe it would be a chance to find new blogs and people to follow.  So here goes.

1. Please follow each hostess. They are 1-4 in the list!
Naptime Review-Hostess
At Home Take 2- Hostess
Little Becky Homecky-Hostess
Mystery Hostess
2. Please comment on each blog. We do FOLLOW back and we really love all the comments!
3. Try to visit at least 4 blogs that interest youJust don't throw your name into the link up, hoping to gain followers. Participate, make friends, and have fun! I know I have made a lot of great blog friends ;)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for stopping by Naptime Review. I am now following you ;) Also, thank for putting this hop on your blog. That is great! The more moms the better. I see you do reviews also. Come back Friday for Favorite Product Fridays. Love to have you ;)

    I look forward to reading and being moved by your devotionals.

    julie @ Naptime Review


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