Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Vacation--Blog Time!

You might notice over the next couple months that I am posting at odd times and really spending time on my blog.  I am officially on summer break, and I am really going to devote the time to cleaning up my blog and really making things better around here.

Some of the things you might notice:
1.  more reviews/giveaways
2.  cleaning up my buttons and ads on here
3.  possibly moving my blog to a different host
4.  more sponsored posts/tweets
5.  more commenting on other blogs
6.  cleaning up my pages, fixing links
7.  mini-challenges??

We'll see what happens, but I just wanted to let you guys know. More than likely, you won't notice any changes, but I will certainly feel better about things.

My goals for the summer:

1.  Drop my Alexa rating below 100,000
2.  Facebook and twitter followers--10,000 each
3.  Actually make money on my blog--in all fairness, I actually have made some this year, but I have put everything back into my blog.
4.  Do fewer self-hosted giveaways!

If anyone has suggestions, leave a comment here.  I would love to hear your suggestions.  While I appreciate hearing you say more giveaways and stuff like that, the more specific you are, the better.

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