Friday, May 27, 2011

Fortified Friday--"Crock Potting" It This Week!

First of all, to my wonderful readers, I am so sorry that I did not post last night.  It was  rough, emotional night.  I just couldn't deal with anything.  And then on top of that, some of you are having blogger issues.  I did clear the cache on my browser like the blogger help area suggested, and it took care of the issue--I use google chrome.  I don't seem to have a problem now.

Secondly, my recipes last week were fantastic! For the most part. The oven stir fry was not so great--mainly because I could not find the shake n bake glaze, so I had to substitute.  The BBQ cheddar roll-ups will be made tomorrow.  The potatoes and ham were fantastic tonight!  And the cheesy beef corn skillet was wonderfully easy!  I highly recommend the mojito pie--the banana dessert will be made this weekend.

And finally, this week's recipes are from the following book:

I love this book.  I have just ordered her second--got tired of waiting for it from the library.   I randomly chose recipes this week--I have to remember to go back and put in desserts, if I find I need them.  But here goes.

Meal 1:  Albondigan Soup p. 170; bread

Meal 2:  Applesauce Chicken p. 239; veggies and stuffing

Meal 3:  BBQ Beef and Bean Sandwiches p. 299; quinoa

Meal 4:  Asian  Peanut Butter Pork p. 298; rice

So here's to a great week!


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