Sunday, May 29, 2011

Solution Sunday--EcoSafe Kitchen Compost Catcher Review

We received a wonderful product in the mail this week from

Within the past month or so, we have begun composting our food waste.  Until this week, we were using just a basic plastic bag, and to be perfectly honest, it was a pain!  The bag was always getting in the way, and we had to remember to tie and untie the bag each time.  

My mom had asked me for a while now to look online and find something that would work better for our kitchen compost.  I saw all sorts of compost bins, but when I found this one at such a reasonable price ($9.99), I figured it would be ideal for us.  After all, it is dishwasher safe, has a lid that snaps closed, and has a nice handle for transporting it back and forth.  So we ordered it!

Since it arrived, we couldn't be happier.  The clasp is a little stiff now and then, but once it snaps down, it actually works.  It keeps out the smells and the bugs.  And it holds a lot!  

I really like the company website.  Their slogan is "ZERO WASTE."  While I am not an over-the-top environmentalist, as a Christian, I do believe that God charged humanity to take care of this earth.  So I feel that when I do something "green" like this, I really feel good about it.  

Just so you know, I was not compensated in any way for this post, and all comments in this post are completely my own views.


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