Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Think God Knew I Needed Encouragement

I know I should be updating my challenges, but I have to admit I am not in the mood.  In fact, I think I may reduce my number of challenge updates to once a month rather than weekly--it seems to make more sense.  I am no longer officially in the 52 week organizing challenge, but that is okay.  But then I may want to update my progress weekly on my diet, so we'll see what happens.

Today, as I was riding in the car to lunch after church, I thought I would take a look at my blog.  I was telling my mom that my blog had been so silent the past few days.  No one seems to want to enter my giveaways, and it just feels like my blog is experiencing a slump--just when it seemed like it was taking off.

Right after I said that, I checked my comments and noticed a new one.  Let me give me the background.  I had reviewed a fantastic book on Friday evening, and I thought I would drop the author a line on her facebook and twitter account just to let her know.  I have never done anything like that.  I have contacted companies about offering things for giveaways, but not an author.  I was so moved by the story, and I just thought it would be nice to let her know.

Guess who wrote on my blog!  The author, Jane Kirkpatrick, herself! And it was the sweetest comment in the world!  What a Mother's Day present for me.  When an author tells you that they appreciate your review, it really makes you feel good!  All I could think about was how to repay her for her kind words.  If I had the money, I would buy a book and make it available to my readers as a giveaway, but I just don't have the money right now.  It certainly made me realize that even small-time bloggers like me can make a difference.

God continued to offer me encouragement.  And trust me, I needed it in light of family issues!  I got my hair cut today, and the lady who cut my hair was very nice and talkative.  I often get ladies who don't even have a tongue in their head, and I am not kidding.  But this lady was really nice.  We talked--well, I talked about teaching and subbing and students and on and on.  Towards the end of the haircut, the lady said that the school system was very lucky to have me.  She said she had spoken to several teachers, and I was definitely good for the school system and she thanked me.  I cannot recall any time that I was thanked like that for being a teacher--even when I was a real teacher!

So today things look better.  While we have plumbing issues, family issues, friend issues, daughter issues, father issues, and so much more, God has at least allowed me a couple times today to feel good about who I am.  Yesterday when I looked at the mirror, I looked older than my years.  What a difference a day makes!


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