Friday, May 20, 2011

Fortified Friday--I Am Ready to Plan!

I am ready to plan out my meals tonight.  I am so glad the school year is winding down.  Last week's recipes  were a stretch for me at best.  Basically good if I can read how to make Thai noodles that I have never made before.  And if I did not have to chop up so many vegetables.  The fajitas were the best.  I have yet to make the dessert (the candy), but everything else was basically fine.  ea

I have decided I must make easy recipes, so that is what you will see until summer arrives!

Meal 1:  Shake 'N' Bake Quick Oven Stir Fry

              I plan to add beans and probably use chips that I have on hand that would be healthier.  I will probably add more veggies as well.

veggies and possibly fries--we'll see.


In addition to the candy, I would like to make one or two really easy desserts.  Low-calorie, low-fat.

Dessert 2:  Mojito Pie

I plan to make this over to a degree, but I have some mint leaves to use since I did not make something from last week.  I actually made Pavlova from this great blog!  I lightened it up some,  and it was fantastic!  Thank, Robyn!


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