Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Six Month Goals

I know tonight is Tuesday, but I am interrupting my normal series to post my goals for the next six months.  Why, you ask?  Well, Martin flew out tonight.  As I write this, he should be in the air on his way to his six-month stay in England.  I don't know if I ever shared, but he can only stay in this country for six months at a time.  Then he has to go back to England.  The only way he can stay here permanently is to get hired or married.  I will say that things have certainly developed quite a bit between us, but maybe I'll make the subject of another post.

So to fill up the lonely hours, here are my goals.

1.  Get down to 135 pounds--that should be a loss of about 15-20 pounds.  It depends on the scale and the day!  In doing this, I will be tracking my meals and exercise in a journal and posting a weekly update here--probably on Saturdays.  I weigh around 150-153 now, so that lets you know how much I need to lose.  I will exercise 3-5 times per week and try to keep my caloric intake below 2000 per day. Hopefully 1600-1800 per day.

2.  Reorganize/redesign my blog and make it semi-profitable.  I would like to get up to at least 1000 followers by the end of this six month period.  Actually, that is too low.  1500 is my goal.  I know I can do it, but I need to take the time to do it.

3.  Rejoin my organizing challenge.  My goal is to finally have my room and computer room completely organized.

4.  Read one book per week on average.  I think that is doable.  That would be 24 books.  I think I can do that.

5.  Do/complete one craft or special project per month.  I will start this month though I don't know what to do.  No real rules here.

6.  Finish studying the book of Revelation in depth.

I think this sounds pretty good to me.  If any of you want to list any goals, go for it here on link me to your blog post.  I am pretty excited about this!


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