Monday, May 16, 2011

Music Monday--Meant to Post This Last Week

I know I am somewhat behind in posting these reviews.  Next month, I'll have to take inventory and see how close I am getting to my goal.

I listened to James Blunt's first CD, All the Lost Souls.  I think the first James Blunt song I heard was You're Beautiful.  I did not know who he was, but I knew I liked that song.  I kept forgetting to look him up.  Then I saw him on Fox News, and I was impressed.  So I requested all his CD's at the library.  This was the first one to come in.
Now, I will say that I am not a huge fan of this CD.  His voice is fantastic--don't get me wrong.  He sounds great on all the songs, but it seems that tracks #1-#7 are very strange and sometimes ethereal.  They sometimes seem very dark.  

Ah, but then we get to track 8:  Shine On.  Oh my goodness, I can't say enough about this song.  It is extremely sensual and highly emotional.  It spoke to my heart, and all I could think about was the guy in my life.  And tracks 9 and 10 are pretty nice, too.  It seems that it took most of the album for James Blunt to find his style and who he is as a singer.  I am sure people would disagree with me, but that is my opinion.  I look forward to listening to his next two albums--his second is currently in my car waiting for my listening ears.

If you are curious to find more information about James Blunt, look no farther than here.  I think you will find him an impressive young man with a simple talent that he uses for the good of others.


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