Sunday, March 27, 2011

Solution Sunday--I Am Dropping Two Challenges

Well, it pains me to do this, but I am crossing two challenges off my list.  Due to family issues and no longer having my weekends to get caught up have made it impossible to get these two challenges caught up.  I have missed too many times.  I have decided I will get to the organizing challenge as I am able to--spring break is coming up--and I am doing away with the read-along on Queen of the Castle.

I will keep the other challenges going, and I think I will post about them all right now--the book challenges that is.  That is all that is left.

I feel rather deflated.  My family life is so chaotic, and I am having to go outside and work every weekend.  The house is a mess.  And I cook almost all of the meals even though I am a substitute teacher in 10 school districts, and I am a single mother.  My mom is in debt due to all the work being done around here.  But I plan to get back to these challenges once next week comes.  So maybe it's not so horrible after all.

Well, enough of that.  I still have other challenges to update.  So here goes.I started this challenge last week, and I already got one book read.  Read the review here.


I did read another book for this challenge, and I reviewed it here.


 Finally a book in this challenge!  I did it.  I just didn't like it.  Read my review here.

That's it for tonight!


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