Sunday, March 6, 2011

Solution Sunday--An Update On All My Challenges--Kind of Sketchy Tonight

I really don't know what's up, but I have been so tired this weekend.  I guess getting up at 4:30 most of the week didn't agree with me.  And I also had my lunch anywhere from 10:30-12:00.  Oh, and I didn't mention that my Monday job ended up being two hours late and I didn't know it till I got there.  The roads were clear where I was!  And then I got cancelled out of my Wednesday job as I pulled up into the parking lot, and I had to be reassigned to a half day job which became a full-time job.  The life of a substitute teacher!!

Lest you do not believe that I did any challenges, let me ease your mind.  I did!


Okay, I completely forgot to read this.  I will eventually get caught up!  Maybe this week???


Could it already be week 9?  Okay, I know that we are to tackle one organizing challenge per week, but you know, this one has taken a good 2 weeks and needs at least another week!  I feel that I have the authority to change whatever I need to so my needs will be met!  And I definitely need to.

There is an area in my room that is overrun with magazines among other things.  I have a picture from last week, but I am waiting to post pictures until I am done, and it looks nice.  I think this could be the week I finish it.  If I had a less hectic schedule and hadn't had the dog bit over a month ago, I know things would be different.  I am finally becoming more mobile and able to return to regular exercise and work.  

I did receive this signed copy in the mail this week!  I can't wait to read it!!  I hope that it will help me when I do get around to reading it!   This week she asks us what our good enough is.  Here is my answer.  I would say that as long as my clothes are put away by Monday morning and the living room is picked up, kitchen semi-clean, and the bathroom toilet especially is clean, I am all right.  


Nothing new here and won't be for a little  while.


Okay, I will add this review this week. You can read it here

Nothing new here.


I am currently reading this book, and I am not too excited about it, but maybe it will get better.  Keep watching for my review!


I can't say I am too excited about this book, but I am reading it for the challenge.  It has three stories in it, so maybe the second and/or third will be better.


I will have updated my map.  I haven't visited too many places this past month.  I know I won't visit all 50 states probably because I do a lot of international reading.  Maybe next year the challenge could be expanded past the U.S.  I know it is technically, but I get bored reading about my country so much!  Maybe I'll be more willing to do that next year.  But if nothing else, I have a really neat map to show for it!


While I have been doing my pantry challenge a little differently the past couple weeks, I am still not buying a whole lot of ingredients.  I am trying to use what is on hand.  Take a look at my post from yesterday.

There you go.  Enjoy!  Hopefully things will look better next week!



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