Sunday, March 13, 2011

Solution Sunday--Only One Challenge to Update

Well, it has been an uneventful week.  I have only one challenge to update.  Even the book I read this week had nothing to do with my challenges.  But I am proud to share my accomplishments.

Again, I have no pictures.  I am really bad about remembering to take pictures of everything, and then I am lazy about uploading them.  I am still getting through the magazines.  But I organized something unexpected.  My daughter and I planned to go to the used bookstore last week, but it was closed.  So we went this week--Friday afternoon.  The day before, we went through all her books, and we literally got rid of two large boxes full of them.  We took them on Friday afternoon, and we received 37 dollars worth of credit at the shop!  She was able to get some nice books in return.  And we still have credit left over.  My daughter has a somewhat organized bookshelf, and I think she will make this a regular occurrence--going through books and getting credit at the store.

It will probably take about 2 more weeks on the magazines.  I have two pictures I will post when the work it done.  I know it seems ridiculous that I am taking so long to organize, but since the dog bite last month, I have to admit that I have not been as good on this challenge.  But I refuse to give up.  Even if I don't get anything else organized this year, I do am doing much better than I was last year in this department!  And when summer comes, I think I can get caught up.


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