Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Baby Shower Giveaway (closed)

All right, I know I have my big giveaway going right now, but I thought I would go ahead and get this one going, too.  This was supposed to be for a baby shower that never happened.  I know I could hold onto the stuff, but I don't know when I might get invited to a baby shower again, and we just don't have room.  So here goes.

Comment 7 won and has been contacted.  Thanks!

You will probably notice these are not the best pictures--I suppose I'm being a little lazy today.  But know that all these products are new.  Because of the outfit, this is definitely a package for a little girl.  The outfit consists of an 18 month size 123Kids brand tank top and hat in green with pink ruffles and the alphabet--I think you can see that in the picture.  The other items are Safety 1st baby nail clippers, Giggle Guide to Baby Gear

and a cloth book about me with a few pages to write and put a photo on the book.  It would be so cute for a baby to look through this book because it is virtually indestructible.

So indeed, my loss is your gain.  Here's how we will work this giveaway.  All you need to do is leave a comment with your e-mail saying you would like this gift package.  However, if you want unlimited entries (maybe you have a baby shower you will be going to next month or a new baby on the way for Christmas!), all you need to do is post books and products that you would recommend for new parents with little babies.  Maybe you even have some advice.  Anything like that is acceptable.  And you may enter as many as you like.  Just make sure each time you put it in a separate comment.  I tell you, I have learned so much already from the recipes and the products you have listed on my current giveaways.  I love the unlimited entries option.  This giveaway will close on Monday, November 1 at 9:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, so be sure you get your entries in by then!  It will give me great joy to know that this prize package can be used by someone rather than just sitting around getting dusty and old.  Best of wishes to all!

Bonus Entry:  Add my button to your blog for an extra 2 entries.  List the link so I can check it out.


  1. I'd like to win this gift package amandarj01 at hotmail dot com

  2. One book I'd recommend is the humorous Diaper Diaries- its so cute. Thanks for the chance!

  3. I would Love to win this gift package! Thanks for sharing.

    justbettertogether@gmail dot com
    Just Better Together

  4. I buy baby wipes on wholesale at places like Costco. But when I can, I also buy them at places at Target with coupons I cut from my Sunday newspaper.

    justbettertogether@gmail dot com
    Just Better Together

  5. Buy fabric books and cardboard books from garage sales. They can get as cheap as 25 cents!

    justbettertogether@gmail dot com
    Just Better Together

  6. My parents gave me a stuff animal at birth. I still have it to this day. I find it really comforting. My brother has one. And so do my cousins and my niece. We each have our own.

    justbettertogether@gmail dot com
    Just Better Together

  7. I save baby food jars for buttons and plat little plants from seeds :)

    justbettertogether@gmail dot com
    Just Better Together

  8. I'd love to win!

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