Monday, October 25, 2010

Music Monday--Clay Walker Christmas CD Review

I know.  I should be reviewing Taylor Swift's new CD.  After all, she's my favorite singer, right?  And with all the buzz about it.  Later, I might.  Sorry, I didn't get it yet.  I pre-ordered it, but Amazon ran out of it.  Go figure!

Actually, I want to review the following the CD:
Now, I will tell you up front, I am not a real Clay Walker fan.  Or I wasn't.  I kind of liked his last single, "She Won't Be Lonely Long,"  but it was nothing really special for me.  He has a normal country sound, and I never saw him as someone worth listening to.

This summer, he was on Fox News, and my mom commented on how clean cut he was.  And she was right.  It was nice to  see a singer without tattoos and earrings.  And he did present himself well, I must say.

Well, somehow it got me to thinking.  And I noticed he had a Christmas album coming out.  There was no real promotion for it, but it looked like it might be good.  And it was cheap.  And I had some Amazon funds. So I bought it.  I pre-ordered it.

It arrived in late September, I think.  A little early for Christmas.  But I popped it in my car stereo, and I fell in love with it!  It was unbelievable.  The arrangements are well-orchestrated, and I like the choir back-up singers.  It has a nice mix of traditional and modern as well as secular and sacred.

He begins his album with "Silent Night/Away in a Manger."  The version is beautiful and simple.  It is a lovely way to begin the album.  He then goes on to sing a breathtaking version of "Mary, Did You Know?"  I have heard several versions of this, but this one really drew me in, especially when he spoke the lyrics at the end of the song.  It sent chills through me.  "O Come All Ye Faithful" was a real surprise because a country singer sang almost flawless Latin!  It is so nice to hear this.  I think his pronunciation of Latin follows a different school of pronunciation than I was taught, but I know there is more than one right way to pronounce Latin.  Then comes my daughter's favorite--"Go Tell It On the Mountain."  If it were up to here, she would play this one over and over and over and over--get the idea?  It is a very soulful version, and  it fits his voice very well.  He goes on to sing "I'll Be Home for Christmas."  Very simple, very heartfelt. The next songs "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," "Winter Wonderland," "Please Come Home For Christmas," "Frosty the Snowman," and "White Christmas" are just simple country versions of the song, but of course he sings them well.  Sometimes you would swear you were listening to Gene Autry or one of the old-time  singers.  It's a nice step back in time.  He ends with a very strong rendition of "Feliz Navidad."  A country singer who can sing in three languages?  That is something!

I definitely give this 5 stars.  I have come to really appreciate Clay Walker as a singer and as a person.  He has overcome a lot, including MS, and he is truly one who remained true to who he is.  Read about him here if you like.

I'm sorry there is no video for these songs.  I doubt there ever will be.  But if you want to here some clips, click here.  I highly recommend this CD.  I guess I already said that,  didn't I?


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