My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I had seen the buzz about this book on my blogs this summer, and I remembered adding it to my list on the library website. But I wasn't sure what I would think of the book. I have read so many clutter books, and I figured this one wouldn't be any different.
Was I ever wrong! How refreshing it was to read about a lady who actually struggled and still struggles with the various things she writes in this book. She has organizational issues. It was amazing to have her "throw out" the things even as she wrote the book.
I think the interesting sections of the book really dealt with mental clutter and making your life the kind of life you really want. She had some great things to say about those issues, and I would highly recommend that everyone checks out those sections specifically.
I definitely give this book a five star rating. If you have have read those other organizational and housekeeping books, throw them out and get a copy of this book! And apply it!
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Well, this book really got me to thinking--especially today. I have been throwing stuff out, but it was even more exciting to put into practice some of her suggestions. And I thought I would share them here.
First of all, I would like to share my goals.
By October 1, 2011, here are my goals:
1. Martin will be saved, and we will be married or on the road to marriage.
2. Followers of my blog will equal 1000.
3. I will weigh 135 pounds--my last 10 pounds will be lost.
4. I will be fully certified in this state to teach--Mid-Level Core Subjects, Choir, ESL, and Theatre Arts.
5. I will be debt free except for my mortgage.
I know the goals seems big, but why not??
The last thing I'm going to list here is my defining moments. I know-- I will not be listing all of them, and I will also not be elaborating on them, but if you want to know more, let me know. I'll share another time for sure.
My Defining Moments
1. When I got lost on the way to my last job interview a few months ago and I did not fall apart
2. When I forgave my old choir teacher, Ms. Pudwill
3. When I left my husband, Paul
4. When I first wrote back to my friend Martin
5. When I did not give up on finding the hotel where Martin and his mom were staying even though I was lost for 3 hours
6. When I broke my engagement off to Daryl and told Martin how I felt
7. When I worked to reconcile my relationship with Martin
8. When I decided to move back home
9. When I made the decision to stop being a discipline problem in fourth grade
10. When I accepted my first sub job in Sumner
11. When I decided it was all right for me not to have a full-time job
12. When I auditioned for show choir
13. When I took my dance class--both times
14. When I gave birth to my daughter at home by choice
15. When I began to blog regularly
16. When I chose to become a long-term sub for Bart
17. Every time I decided and took a teacher test
18. When I signed up with ECAP--teacher's course
19. When I lost weight
20. When I got my hair cut
No, this is certainly not all, but these are the ones that came to mind.
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