Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sporadic Saturday--I've Been Tagged!

Debra over at Footprints in the Butter was tagged this week, and I definitely want to respond since she tagged me.  Be sure to check out her blog--it is fantastic!  It has been one of my favorites since I began blogging.

  1. What type of gifts do you prefer to give?  Do you prefer home-made, gift certificates, store-bought, etc? It all depends on the person to whom I am giving the gift.  If I know the person well, I prefer to buy them something special.  I love making things, but I don't always have the time.  Gift cards are easier, but they don't normally show the same thought and planning on my part.
  2. What type of gifts do you prefer to receive? You know, I can't really say I have a preference.  It depends on the person giving me the gift.  It is always neat to get a handmade gift--I suppose I treasure them more sometimes, but the main thing is that I want a gift that someone has actually given after putting some thought into it.    
  3. Do you stock a gift closet, or box, and purchase gifts throughout the year? I do a little bit of both.  I try to stock a gift box to a degree, but I have to make sure I don't forget where I stashed it and what I already bought.
  4. What is your favorite type of music?  Do you have one?  I have much more eclectic taste than I used to, but my favorite music is musical theatre soundtracks.  It is followed closely by country.  I like light rock and pop.  I also  like oldies--especially easy listening oldies.  I like classical.  I really don't like rap/hip hop.
  5. Do you like chick-flicks, or not? Sometimes.  It all depends.  I prefer movies with good acting, good storyline, and family-friendly is always nice.
  6. Do you have a hobby?  Do you make time for it regularly?  Reading is probably my hobby.  As well as blogging, surfing the internet, and that is probably it.  I used to do crafts, but I admit that when my daughter came along, I just ran out of time for that.
  7. What is your favorite thing about where you live?  Every place has its pros and cons.  What are the “pros” about where you live?  Easy.  We live in the country on five acres.  We have gorgeous scenery--Mt. Rainier is just outside.  We don't have to fight traffic, and my daughter has lots of space to run.
  8. What is your favorite kids cartoon movie? "Beauty and the Beast." 
  9. How did you decide to Homeschool?  Sorry, I don't homeschool.  I wanted to, but I am in a different position right now.  I am a single mother, and my daughter blossoms at her school.  I think she and I would drive each other crazy if I homeschooled.
  10. What is something about you most people would be surprised to know?  I have written several unpublished books.  
  11. What is your favorite praise and worship song?  "Shout to the Lord"
  12. If you had no children and homeschooling wasn't necessary, what would your dream job be?  I would be a Broadway musical theatre star.  I really don't mind that that dream never came about.  I am pretty satisfied even as a substitute teacher.
  13. What book(s) are you currently reading?  For the King  by Catherine Delors
  14. How has Jesus changed you? Too much to answer in a short space.  Here's what I know.  Jesus has changed me completely into a new creature.  I am not who I was, and He continues to mold me into His image.
  15. How would you like to be remembered by your children?  I hope my daughter remembers me as being a mom who instilled the love of God in her at an early age.  I hope she will remember that I loved her, and that she could tell me anything.
  16. How will your children likely remember you? She will probably remember all the times I yelled at her. She will probably remember how I cried over many things and how I often had to miss her things at school because of my job.  Hopefully she will understand and realize that I was only human.  

1 comment:

  1. I love it, Ruth! Great comments... and you answered them ALL. Wow! :)

    I had no idea you had acreage... it is so nice to not have neighbors right on top of you, isn't it?

    Thanks for answering.


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