Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Well-Spoken Wednesday--A Potpourri

I couldn't think of just one thing to share on this topic, so I thought I'd give you a variety of things.  

First of all, I used to struggle with my daily Bible reading.  (Okay, I still do, but I am much more consistent.)  I have tried many different things, but this site finally did it for me.  It is sit that offers many things including a daily Bible reading plan.  You can choose Old/New Testament, chronological readings, and many more.  I think it even has a 90-day Bible reading plan.  I know there is a daily devotion you can read, and you can choose almost any version.  I have been enjoying reading the Old  Testament in the Message version.  Some verses have really stood out to me in a different way.  Be sure to check this site out!

Now this probably will only appeal to the teachers among us, but I know several of your are homeschool moms, too.  I have not actually had a chance to use this in the classroom yet, but maybe when I am a real teacher again!  When I was a teacher, I always made it a point to follow copyright laws as closely as I could.  And I found this wonderful site that guides students through lessons involving the copyright laws.  Since I was a music teacher, I always took every opportunity to educate students about legal music downloads versus illegal.  I did this mainly because at one time, I was guilty of illegal downloads.  When I first got online, I found several sites where I was able to download music for free.  Since it was file sharing, I seriously thought it was legal.  I remember hearing on the news about record companies suing individuals for illegally downloading music.  I was instantly convicted  and deleted all my wonderful music.  Some of it I will never be able to replace.  People have told me I was stupid to do that,  but I knew it was the right thing to do,  and I shall never regret it.  My students used to try to engage me in arguments about copyright issues, but I was steadfast in my beliefs.  

One last  thing tonight.  I would like to promote a blog that I feel always has quality written words.  This blogger is indeed  well-spoken, and I am always honored  when she stops by my little  blog and comments on it.  You know her as the Redhead Riter.  She always has something meaningful to say, and she encourages quality blog writing.  I'm not saying that other blogs don't,  but there is just something about her blog that draws me (and at least 1500 more people too!) to her  blog.  She does various segments on good blog techniques/technology and a few contests here and there.  Her photos are always out of this world, and the titles of her posts always catch my interest.  She didn't know I was  going to feature her tonight (goodness, I didn't either!).  I love her candor and vitality for life.  So if you want to read one of the quality blogs on here, head over to the Redhead Riter.  Tell her I sent you, if you like,  but no need.

The Redhead Riter


  1. Ruth, I am indeed touch by your sweet words of kindness. Thank you so much. I'm so very glad that you enjoy my blog and the things I share. This is truly just so nice! I think you've shocked me enough to make me feel speechless and tongue tied! Sending you HUGE ((((HUGGGGS))) with deep appreciation for adding sunshine to my day.

  2. In the right side bar of my blog, you will see a group of buttons and one says, "they like me"

    After clicking it, under the section "they like me," you will find a link to this post and your blog link.

    Here is the link to that page:

    Just thought I would let you know that your act of kindness won't ever be forgotten. ♥


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