Monday, October 18, 2010

Music Monday--Quick Tonight and a Song to Match

As I was thinking about tonight's post--and I am very tired tonight--I got a song  stuck in my head I hadn't thought of in years.  And I just might list a few songs from this musical.  Did anyone ever see the old Disney movie Babes in Toyland?
  It stars Ray Bolger, Annette Funicello (oh, don't you love her?), Tommy Sands, Ed Wynn, and more than I can remember right now.  Sounds crazy, but this is six and a half minutes into this particular video.  I was somehow thinking of the line  the children sing:  "Hurry, hurry, hurry till we're done."

Here's the sweet love  song between Annette and Tommy.  Aren't they sweet?

Yes, I know this version is a far cry from  what it should be (Victor Herbert's operetta), I still love it, and it has  been ages since I  have seen it.  I should certainly request it from the library.  I don't  know if my daughter has seen it.

By the way, be sure to check out my giveaways. I did add a bonus entry for a few of them.  And  by the way, I did really, really well on my organizational tasks.  I repaired my jewelry and threw away jewelry I didn't want to repair.  Keep on watching.  I hope to get some more giveaways going.  You never know what I might do next!  And I think my next goal is 200 followers.  We are at  112 right now.  So let's not lose the momentum!

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