Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My 12 Things Update

I have kept meaning to give you an update on this.  I think I have a challenge for this month and for next month.  I can generally only tackle one month at a time.  Check out last month's post about this challenge.

Quoting myself from last month:
For September, I would like to learn how to design a better blog. I also plan to do this without spending money. So, that is my goal for September. I don't want to say anything about October or the rest of the year yet, but that will be coming.

Yep, I did that!  I ended up winning a giveaway, and my blog was redone.  And then I got better at blogging.  I know I have not arrived yet, but I am certainly on my way.  So to October:

My goal for the month of October is to "throw out fifty things" like the book I have been reading.  I am not actually going to do all the paperwork, but I am already throwing things out.  I got rid of an entire box of clothes this weekend.  I am applying what she says in the book.  

As for November:

I plan to do a craft that I will present to my daughter.  My daughter loves snakes, and I happened to see this over on  Blue Cricket Design.  

I plan to work on this in November. I hope I can do it, but I am somewhat  crafty.  But that is not my focus now.

On to my challenge!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ruth! Did you use the code for your win for Applied Labels? Everything go ok?


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