Author: Holly Bush
Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher: Book Baby
Number of Pages: E Book, aprx 216
1887 Debutante, Julia Crawford endures a lifetime of subtle ridicule as the plump, silly daughter of a premiere Boston family. Julia strikes out on her own to gain independence, traveling to the Midwest to marry an aging shopkeeper and care for his mother. Julia finds her new home rough and uncivilized after the sophistication of a big city, while closely held secrets threaten to ruin Julia’s one chance at love.
Jake Shelling was sixteen and grew up quick when his parents died from influenza on the North Dakota prairie. Left with a half-cleared farm and two young sisters, he spent little time on his own needs . . till now. At thirty-five, he figured it was high time to have some sons and a mail order bride would suit him just fine. No expectations of love, just a helpmate from sturdy stock, ready for farm life.
Will fate and chance play a trick on Julia and Jake?
Today I am featuring a guest post by Holly Bush, the author Train Station Bride
Inspiration for Train Station Bride
I am often asked how I come up with my stories. Did you read something that made you think of a plot? Visit a historical site? Watch a movie? Were you inspired while doing research? Don’t I wish I knew what my inspiration was or is and could conjure it up any old time! But I don’t and can’t. I’ve belonged to a writer’s group for years and we have often talked about when and where the beginnings of our novels come from. Some writers do find their inspiration in another book or movie, most often mentioning that there is a peripheral character that they connect with or are curious about and a story is born. That is not true for me.
I was driving home from work one day and had what I call one of my ‘mental movies’ playing in my head. There was a petite young woman, fashionably dressed in a pale yellow dress with a high neckline, lace collar and a matching short jacket. The back of the skirt was tiered, ruffled and each row was held in place by bows. She wore a small, yellow felt hat atop her blond, nearly white, hair. She had pale, smooth, cream colored skin, and fine delicate bone structure. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes gray blue. She placed a glove covered hand on the offered arm of the conductor and took one step down onto a busy train platform. He pointed to her leather trunks being stacked beside her. She looked around and saw cowboys in chaps and women in calico dresses holding children’s hands.
I got home that evening and through dinner and laundry and spelling lessons with one of my daughters, I kept seeing this young woman. I pictured her in a navy blue velvet formal dress with a high bustle and a lace bodice. She was at a dressing table attaching earrings and speaking to another woman. When the other woman left, the young woman used a key and opened a small drawer on the table. She pulled out a letter, unfolded it and read.
The following day or days I tried to name her and see her story. Who was she? What was in the letter? Why would a fashionable dressed, wealthy young woman travel alone to a mid-west town? I sat down at my computer to begin on the novel journey of this woman. Those first few minutes are both exciting and terrifying but as I described what I saw happening in my head, Julia Crawford began to take shape as the central character and eventually the heroine. As I wrote, Julia’s motivations became clear and Train Station Bride followed. I don’t know what inspired her but I do know my characters feel very real to me. I hope they feel real to my readers.
Author Bio:
I grew up in a home where I was surrounded by books. There was not a room that did not hold a bookcase, stack or shelves of books. My father didn't care what we read, although he did, as long as we read something, even a comic book. His stack of books beside his reading chair that sat next to a sunny window was a strange mix of westerns, political intrigue, current affairs, science fiction and the odd biography. Books made me curious, comforted me, excited me, scared me and gave me glimpses into lives and worlds beyond my reach. What a gift - the written word - what a gift!
Come back on the 26th for my review and a giveaway!
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