Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hicural--the Ultimate Remedy for Hiccups--Review

When I was growing up, hiccups were a real problem for me.  I used to get them all the time!  And it became very painful and annoying.  As an adult, I don't get them often, but when I do, they are deep and painful. I have done all the normal hiccup remedies such as drinking water, holding my breath, and other suggested remedies.  But I have to admit those remedies are often not all that effective.  And they certainly don't work on the first time.

Let me introduce you to Hicural, the new shape of hiccup relief.  The CEO and founder of the company had suffered from terrible bouts of hiccups for a good share of his life, and he came up with the idea almost by accident.  This company was founded in 2010, and it is just now beginning to hit drugstore shelves.

I will tell you that when I got a chance to try this, I figured it would not work.  I couldn't imagine that anything could stop hiccups every time.  There couldn't be a product like that!  And it wasn't long after this product arrived that I got the chance to try it out.

I was intrigued first by the unusual shape.  It is a straight bar with a tab that needs to face outwards.  Then you put the bar in your mouth and drink water.  And you know what?  It worked instantly!  And the hiccups did not come back!

My daughter is one who suffers from hiccups, and I have not shown her how to use this product, but I plan to in the future.  This is a fantastic product that finally brings an end to hiccups.  I am pleased with this product, and I like the fact that it comes with a protective case so you can take it with you.

So if you have ever have had hiccups or you currently struggle with them, check out this product.  I know it works, and it is the only hiccups remedy I need!

I received the above products through Sublime Media Connection in exchange for an honest review. In no way was I asked to give a positive review.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting product. I also have a home remedy that works for me every time. It tastes disgusting, but, if you drink vinegar when you have hiccups they will go away. Or at least they do when I drink it anyway.


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