Sunday, August 19, 2012

Blogorama Bonanza Back 2 School Sponsor Spotlight: My Blog Spark/Box Tops for Education/Walmart

You may already be back in school, but my daughter still has another couple weeks.  I am always looking for ways to save money and to help my daughter's school in any way I can.  I am that mother who hears about a classroom need, and I am ready to fulfill it. 

My daughter is really good about watching for products with Box Tops.  We always make a point to collect them, and when we get the required amount (the school has a minimum number they will allow the students to bring in), they go to school.  My daughter always gets excited when she sees Box Tops!

Walmart is the place to look for Box Tops as you prepare to go back to school.  Here are some ways to optimize your Box Tops experience at Walmart.

  • Look for the Box Tops display at your local Walmart to earn 4 Box Tops on more than 100 of your family’s favorite items including Cheerios, Hamburger Helper, Nature Valley and Totinos
  • By liking Walmart on Facebook you can earn more Box Tops from General Mills
  • Check out the Box Tops For Education website to learn more about the Box Tops Program and how you can help your school reach its goal for the 2012-2013 school year
  • Visit to find out how you can earn even more for your school with eBox Tops.
My Blog Spark provided me with a $25 Walmart gift card, and I am looking forward to using it when we finish out back to school shopping this week.  Since my daughter is going with us, she will be certain to find those Box Tops products!  

Be sure to check out more information at all these sites:
Be sure to watch out for the giveaway coming up very soon!

“Disclosure:  The Walmart gift card, information, and additional gift pack have been provided by General Mills and Walmart through MyBlogSpark.”


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