If you have been following my blog for a while, you will notice that I have not been publishing my meal plans over the past month or so. There is a reason for that, and it is not just laziness. I had some fellow bloggers review my blog (just minimally, but they did review it), and I have decided to follow the advice that one of them gave me. I used to just always use the pictures that were posted with the recipes--that seemed fine to me. And I plan to still use these to a degree. But it was suggested that I take pictures of my "creations." This idea came from a food blogger, but if you haven't noticed, those are some of the most numerous blogs out there. I honestly wasn't sure if I was committed to doing this, and I wasn't sure if I really wanted to.
But now I am ready to make a change. Here is the plan. I plan to publish my meal plan, and I will probably use the pictures on the website (if there is one). However, I plan to take pictures as I can of each of the recipes. This is a new discipline for me, but I plan to do my best. I plan to then upload my pictures of the recipes. This way you can see how mine turned out.
I can't promise that I will always do exactly what I should in this area. But I am going to do my best to be committed to doing this. Be patient with me as I implement these changes. Look for a new meal plan within the next couple days. Thanks so much for supporting me and continuing to read my posts!
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