Friday, April 29, 2011

Free-Wheeling Friday--Just Dance Wii Game review

Tonight's review is inspired by my daughter. Martha is 7, and she earns things from time to time by doing what is expected and doing extra jobs around the place.  Allowance doesn't make much sense to her, so we use jars with pom poms.  She puts them in when she does what she is supposed to.  She takes  them out when she doesn't do what she is supposed to.

At her school, in P.E., the students had been doing Just Dance for Wii.  She was talking about it incessantly, and she made it clear that she wanted this Wii game for her next earned prize.  She finally earned it this past weekend.

I have to admit that I sat and watched her do the various songs.  I was pretty intrigued as I sat watching her.  It was fun to remember songs I had heard, and Martha was doing a great job following along.

Yesterday, I really wanted to do something different for my workout routine.  Martha had been imploring me all week to do Just Dance with her.  I had been too tired, but I decided last night was the perfect night.

I made sure we did the warm-up on the game--she didn't want to, but she knew she had to!  I will tell you that once we started dancing, I was worn out!  These dances will make you work.  You don't have to be good.  You just need to try your best.  And you need to put some energy into yourself.  The more energy you use, the more you will burn.  Martha won each of the "challenges."

I think my favorite still has to be M.C. Hammer's Can't Touch This.  I remember that this song was back in the early 80's, and I remember even back then that I liked this song but I figured I shouldn't.  After all, should a Christian be listening to rap?  And enjoying it!  Man, I used to be so strict.  I'm glad those days are over!

I worked out a good 30 minutes, and I couldn't tell you how many calories I burned.  But I worked out and enjoyed it!  So now between the gym, Wii Fit Plus, and  Just Dance,


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