Saturday, April 9, 2011

Satisfied Saturday--Keeping it Easy This Week

Last week's recipes were unbelievable!  I am sold on the Tasty Kitchen Blog!  But only when I really have time to cook.  Join, if you haven't already.  I have found some awesome recipes and found some new blogging friends.

Well, it's back to real world this week.  I am back at work, and so I am doing two things this week--keeping recipes simple and using up pantry supplies.

Meal 1:

I will serve this with green beans/bacon and rice.

Meal 2:

I am using the first recipe listed on her post.  I will serve it with carrots and maybe French fries--not sure.

Meal 3: 

I plan to add more veggies and make some adaptations as she talks about below the recipes.  

Meal 4:
I will serve this with some kind of potatoes and veggies.

I want to make some kind of dessert recipe as well.  Here's a simple one.

Now to make my grocery list and get busy!


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