Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Music Monday--Challenge Week #15

Maybe I'll get back on track.  My computer has been slow and has been working better in the mornings so I have been posting in the morning.  Sorry for being late!

Well, this CD was nice, but honestly no big deal.  I don't have a lot to say except this.  Vince Gill is a great singer--I have always enjoyed his voice.  But he often sings songs that are mediocre.  And that is the best way to describe this album.  It is great to have on in the background while you are doing your taxes (yep, I was doing that!), but honestly, with the exception of the title song, no other song stands out.  I don't plan on getting rid of this album because it is one of the only CD's I own by Vince Gill.  Maybe someday I'll get his greatest hits CD.

Here he is:


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