Monday, April 11, 2011

Solution Sunday--I am Back on Track!

First of all, I am sorry this is late.  My computer was so slow last night that I couldn't post this.last night.  I tried countless times.  So my apologies.

Yes, I know I dropped this challenge, but I did so much this week to get caught up!  It was awesome.  While I don't have the pictures yet (maybe next week), let me tell you what I did this week!

I cleaned out and organized my daughter's room.  I went through all her clothes and got rid of what did not fit.  I organized and put away her toys.  We put up things on the wall that we needed to.  And she helped.  Her room looks good.  I didn't even think about taking pictures of her room before--sorry.  I'll try to get a picture of it now.  

I also started cleaning out my room.  I was able to get through all the magazines that I couldn't for several weeks!  I cleaned out my basket, and I got rid of magazines I didn't like or need.

I am pretty happy about all I did this past week!  I am on a roll.  So, I am back in this challenge, and I will continue my room this week,.  My goal is to get the worst half of my room done this week.  I think it is doable.  I have the before pictures of this, and if I get it done by next week, I will certainly take the after picture and post both.

This week I finished my year of reading through the Bible!  I chose to read it in version called The Message. I read it online, and it felt good to finish it.

Now the book I have chosen to read is Revelation.  This was not the original book I chose.  I thought I was going to read Revelation.  But in light of current world events, what we are studying at my church, and the way Revelation intrigued me as I read it towards the end of my Bible reading, I knew this was the book I was going to choose.  I am going to use the following commentary to help me as I read.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Ruth! I'm so glad I found you on TK ~ thanks for inviting me to your blog. Congratulations on reading the Bible ~ that is a worthwhile challenge.


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