Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Twinkle Tuesday--Boots Products Review

I don't know about you, but I do not like to buy the really cheap stuff when it comes to my face.  I can't tell you how many facial products I have used in my life only to be disappointed in them.  I don't think there are many products that I have continued to use over the years.  It is all about quality, but it is also about price.

I remember a couple years back looking for a good eye cream that did not cost an arm and a leg. As I searched my online drugstore,  I happened upon this product:
It does what it says it will do.  It is at least as good as eye cream that costs twice the price.  It has been my only eye cream for a couple years now, and my eyes look great!  I have always had fine lines around my eyes, and this works to help keep that area hydrated.  I also wear contacts, and this does not bother my eyes.

I decided recently to check out some of their other products.  I needed a quick facial cleaner for when I am exhausted, and I needed a night cream.  

If this product is ever discontinued, I will be devastated.  I have traditional facial cleaners, but some nights I am very tired.  Some nights, I need to wipe the make-up of my face--especially after working out. I love that I can wipe my eyes clean with these wipes while still wearing my contacts!  No trouble.  And, yes, it cleans my face well.  As well, if not better, than traditional facial cleansers.  I do not plan to ever be without this product!

I have used traditional night creams for most of my life, but  I have discovered a great night cream from Boot Experts.

When I began using this product, I had a couple blemishes on my face.  Amazingly, this began to fight against those and clear up my skin.  I love the feel of it, and a little goes a long way.

If you are looking for some great beauty products at reasonable prices, check out the whole line of boots products on their site.  You'll be glad you did! Oh, and by the way, I was not compensated in any way for this review--it is entirely my own opinions.

1 comment:

  1. I awarded you the Versatile Blogger award! You can find it here: http://honeypieaccessories.blogspot.com/2011/04/versatile-blogger.html


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