Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No Post Again Tonight

Friends, I am not trying to make a habit of this.  I just got done writing a post I had to write to be posted at a later time, and it took up my normal writing time.  Also, my daughter was going to be the reviewer, but she is already asleep.  Things will settle down by next week because Martin will be going back to England.  I am not saying I want him to go back,  but there are always a few benefits--we eat healthier and at normal times.  And my mom finally gets some much-needed rest.  The benefits do not outweigh the bad points, but I should be much more regular on my blog posting.  More like I was this summer!

Thanks for your patience.  My follower base has increased so much that I think I may be able to get more giveaways together for you!


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