Saturday, April 16, 2011

Versatile Blog Award--Belated Thanks!

Back on Wednesday, I was awarded the Versatile Blog Award by Honey Pie Accesories.  I have been swamped until now with work and family issues.  

This award does come with some rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you the reward and link them back to your post- Check!
2. Tell us 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered new bloggers!
4. Contact these bloggers to let them know they've received the award.

So here goes:

Thanks to Honey Pie Accessories.  I always appreciate being recognized in this way.

7 things:

1.  I am a single mother of an active 7-year-old.
2.  I am a substitute teacher in 10 districts.
3.  I am certified to teach music, humanities, and English as a Second Language.
4.  I have been blogging for almost a year.
5.  I live in Yelm, Washington.
6. My best friend lives in England for 6 months and here with us for 6 months.
7.  I am a classically trained singer.

Now, as I award these other bloggers the awards, understand that you are not expected to pass the award on unless you want to.  This is one point where I break the rules.  I will pass it on to the following bloggers:

Be sure to visit all these wonderful blogs!


  1. Thanks for the blog love! I will be sure to visit all of your wonderful blogger selections!

  2. Oh thank you for including me, what a sweet surprise!

  3. Thank you so much for the blog love! Love catching up with you as well. Keep it up chic!

  4. Thank you for sending on the love. So very sweet!

  5. Thank you so much for thinking of me! That is very sweet of you :)

  6. Thank you for the award! I truly appreciate it!

    Melissa at 1000 + Books to Read


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