Monday, April 25, 2011

Solution Sunday--On Monday

I am actually not going to post for Music Monday--I am in the middle of listening to 2 CD's, and I have some ideas I think I'll pass on to you later this week.  But for tonight, I will update you on my challenges.  I have nothing to update you on my organizing challenge, but I think I have some things to write about my reading challenges.

I am still in Revelation Chapter 1 but learning a lot.  I think when I am through the first chapter of Revelation, I'll post what I am learning.  I am fascinated!

Here is my review of this book I finished last week.  It may not be specifically historical fiction, but I see it as such.

And here's the link to this review that completes the number portion of this challenge.

Thank you for your patience.  Next weekend, I will update my progress completely on all current challenges. Thanks!


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