Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Twinkle Tuesday--Lucky Vitamin Online Store Review

Quite by accident, I happened upon a great new online store for buying organic and all-natural home and health care products.  I have been buying these kinds of things online for years, but sometimes I couldn't find everything I wanted to get.  I had a yeast infection that was resistant to anti-fungal medicines.  I had a severe dog bite that was  still healing (and will continue to do so for months!).  And I also wanted some herbal drinks that were not sold anywhere nearby.

This was the online store that saved me!  Lucky Vitamin is an online store that had all of the things I mentioned and plenty more.  I had looked all over for Teeccino, and I only could find one kind on my normal site.  I wanted to try the kind you put directly into the coffee machine.  I think I did a google search in their shopping category, and Lucky Vitamin came up as the lowest price.  

I headed over to their site, and not only did I find Teecino, but I found a good price on Yeast Arrest, a homeopathic yeast infection remedy that I had paid top dollar for at another shop.  It seemed like there was nothing this place didn't have.

I don't remember why I did a search for scar lotion, but I had been putting Vaseline on my scar with really no effect.  I had always heard of scar lotions, but I was not too sure about any of them.

Then I happened to find this product:

I decided to give it a try since it was reasonably-priced.  And it seemed to promise what I needed.

Several  things caught my attention about the site.  Free shipping on orders over $100.  That is actually doable if you buy items in bulk that you are going to buy anyway.  However, if you cannot get your order up that high, their flat rate shipping is $5.95.  Not bad when you come to think of it.

I was pleased with the ease of checkout and the customer service provided by this store.  I was able to check out using paypal--always a bonus.  They notified me immediately when they shipped my product, and they kept me up to date on one of the backordered items.  That was nice.  Packages came quickly--within a week of ordering, for the most part.

I want to say that every product I got was worth it.  Scargo is a fantastic product that I would recommend to anyone with scars or healing from scars.  I have been using it a few weeks now, and I can see a dramatic difference.  The Teeccino does not disappoint, and I am ready to use my yeast infection item the moment I show signs of a yeast infection again.

I want everyone to know that if you are looking for natural products for you, your home, and everything in between, Lucky Vitamin is definitely worth your while.  By the way, all opinions I am expressing here are my own, and the company does not even know I am doing this review.  


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