Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pump Up Your Book Presents Behind God’s Back Virtual Book Tour Review

Remember the promotion I did for this book last week?  I have since read the book, and I will be posting the review.  For those who wondered if this is a Christian book, the answer it no.

Behind God's Back:Secrets, Shadows, and SexBehind God's Back:Secrets, Shadows, and Sex by Anna O'Moss
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

First of all, this was a very difficult book for me to review.  I remember agreeing to review it, but I had no idea what was in store for me.  I think this book should have come with a warning label:  graphic sex, homosexual themes, bisexual suggestions, rampant profanity, and illicit drug use.  I think that covers everything you will find in this book that is potentially offensive. And for me, some of the things were more offensive than others.

I truly enjoyed the first few chapters.  I always love reading about an author, and she was about to reveal a deep, dark secret.  I kept racking my brain trying to figure out what this secret would be.  She didn't seem to get along with her teenage girlfriends all that well, and there was a lot of communication between them that had been suppressed.  All of these girls at this party grew up in the church, and all of them espoused some kind of belief in God.  But most of them did not think that the way in which they lived affected their spiritual life.

Right before the secret was revealed, I guessed what it would be, and unfortunately, I was right.  I do not consider myself a prude, but I do not like explicit sex talk.  Period.  A part of me almost did not want to complete the book.  But I agreed to do it, so I kept pressing on.

I was greatly touched by the story of Jacky.  I will not put any spoilers here, but the story she had covered up resonated with me greatly.  It made me think of how I might react as a parent in a similar situation.

I think that Sandra herself summed things up very well at the end when she told the people there for her book signing to take what was relevant to them in the book and throw out everything else (my paraphrase).  And that is what I did.  And unfortunately in this case, that was a good chunk of the book that I "threw out."

So why the three stars?  Well, although the majority of the book was personally offensive to me, it was extremely well-written.  This author is a seasoned writer who was able to keep my attention.  I would have preferred much less profanity--I don't feel that it was all that necessary.  But once you week through the offensive items, I think at least one message of the book comes to me.  Going to church and doing all the right things are not what promises you a great life.  Often those that appear to be closest to God may be the very ones who are "messed up."  I think another message comes out of the book.  Even if you have done what would be considered the "unforgivable sin," God is able to forgive you if you come to Him in true repentance.  (Okay, I kind of added a bit of my own spin to that, but it is basically a message).

The biggest question is--would I recommend this book?  I probably would not.  Or I would recommend it with reservations.  Know for sure what you are getting into before you read it.  It is not meant to be offensive.  It is meant to make you think, and it certainly accomplishes that.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the honest review. I'm sure there will be a market for it-just not me.


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