Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This Day in History August 25, 1940

This should give you a hint about what happened, but I was surprised, I must say.  On this date in 1940, the first parachute wedding occurred in New York City during the World's Fair.  Arno Rodolphi and Ann Hayward were married by Reverend Homer Tomlinson.  He performed the wedding ceremony while he, the couple, the best man, the maid of honor and 4 musicians were suspended in the air.  Once they kissed, they went into freefall.  The papers read the nest day: "No Man on Earth is Good Enough for Ann."

I was not aware of this fact until I did the research.  I had a traditional wedding, and I never would have considered something like this.  I certainly wouldn't have back in 1940!  That was before both of my parents were born!!

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1 comment:

  1. OMG! That is so cool! I so want my wedding to be super special as well :)


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